International Accomplishments of Economics Graduate Students
Three graduate students from the Department of Economics have won the top three awards given at the 16th International Economics Conference in Izmir.Zeynep Kantur has won the Turkish Economics Association’s Grand Prize with her work on “Aging and Monetary Policy”, Yildiz Akkaya has won the Aegean Exporters Association’s first prize with her paper entitled “The Volatility of Interest Rate Shock as a Monetary Policy Tool” and Kerim Keskin has won the second prize with his work on “Correlated Equilibrium for Agents with Cumulative Prospect Theory Preferences”.
Further, Zeynep Kantur’s paper was accepted for presentation at the European Economic Association’s annual meeting in Gothenburg, while Yildiz Akkaya was selected for a coveted dissertation internship at Riksbank, the Central Bank of Sweden.
The Department of Economics is proud to see these fine young researchers receive the acclaim they richly deserve.