Economics Workshop, Bilkent University, 23-24 July
The following two mini courses will be offered at Bilkent University, Department of Economics, on July 23-24:July 23: Prof. Ufuk Akcigit (UPenn) on Innovation Led Growth: Lecture 1 - Lecture 2
July 24: Prof. Daron Acemoglu (MIT) on Human Capital: Lecture
Each mini course will be held over a morning (10:00-12:00) and an afternoon ( 13:30-15:30) session, both sessions will be held in C-Blok Amphi. Attendance is free and open to Bilkent and non-Bilkent economists alike, but registration is required. Please let Ms Nilgun Corapcioglu (nilgunc@bilkent.edu.tr) know that you are interested in attending.