Economics PhD Student to be Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Cambridge University
Bilkent Economics PhD graduate Dr. Yıldız Akkaya, who defended her dissertation in May, is the first PhD degree holder from a Turkish university to go on the formal international job market in economics and be placed outside the country. Akkaya accepted the offer from the Economics Department of Cambridge University to be a post-doctoral research associate. Top-tier Turkish universities usually hire faculty members via the job market process but Bilkent now has the distinction to be the first to place a student internationally the same way as well.Yıldız Akkaya’s dissertation is on the effects of monetary policy uncertainty. She has worked on the theory and empirics of the consequences of central banks’ manipulating perceptions of monetary policy uncertainty by their announcements. Dr. Akkaya was a distinguished graduate student while at Bilkent, attending several international conferences, being an exchange student at Boston University for a year and being the first Turkish PhD student to win a coveted dissertation internship at the Riksbank, the Swedish Central Bank. Akkaya will spend this summer visiting the Riksbank once again, this time as a consultant, before joining Cambridge University in September.