For further inquiries please contact Refet Gurkaynak.
Unless noted seminars are scheduled for Friday’s, at 15:40, in FEASS A228 seminar room.
Date | Presenter | Title |
30.09.2022 | Refet S. Gürkaynak, Bilkent University | "Exchange Rate and Inflation under Weak Monetary Policy: Turkey Verifes Theory" |
10.10.2022 | Dr. Cosmina Dorobantu, Co-Director of Public Policy Programme at the Alan Turing Institute | "Rethinking Government with AI" |
07.10.2022 | Ju Hyun Pyun (Bilkent and Korea Universities) | "Capital Account Policy, Firm-Dynamics, and Export-led Growth" |
30.10.2023 | Prof Mehmet Caner (North Carolina State University) | "Deep learning non linear factors" |
24.11.2023 | Yoon Joo Jo (Texas A&M University) | "Managing Household Inflation Expectations via Salient Prices: Using State-level Gas Tax Holidays" |
18.12.2023 | Jeffrey R. Campbell (University of Notre Dame) | ‘’Consumer Inflation Expectations: Daily Dynamics’’ |
18.01.2024 | Michael Mcmahon (University of Oxford) | "Tough Talk: The Fed and the Risk Premium" |
01.03.2024 | Giovanni Ricco (Ecole Polytechnique) | ''Monetary Policy, Information, and Country Risk Shocks in the Euro Area’’ |
19.04.2024 | Gergely Ganics (Bank of Spain) | ''Credit Market Sentiment and Stock Returns '' |
26.04.2024 | Lea Steninger (University of Vienna and the ECB) | "The Distributional Impact of Monetary Policy at the Firm Level" |
03.05.2024 | Haluk Yener (Bilgi Üniversitesi) | "A New Look at Financial Networks, Contagion and Crises’’ |
10.05.2024 | Altan Pazarbaşı (Bilkent university) | ''Cash Heterogeneity and the Payout Channel of Monetary Policy'' |
04.10.2024 | T. Niklas Kroner (Federal Reserve Board of Governors) | "Monetary Policy without Moving Interest Rates: The Fed Non-Yield Shock" |
20.12.2024 | Moritz Kuhn (Mannheim University) | ''To Have or Not To Have: Understanding Wealth Inequality'' |
21.02.2025 | Giovanni Ricco (Ecole Polytechnique) | "Monetary policy and information effects: Taking a second look" |
27.12.2024 | Özer Karagedikli**(Asian School of Business) | "Policy, News and Noise: Do Funds Rate Surprises Matter Anymore?" |
Date | Presenter | Title |
07.10.2021 | Valerie A. Ramey (UCSD) | The Macroeconomic Consequences of Infrastructure Investment |
13.10.2021 | Luciano Pomatto (Caltech) | Monotone Additive Statistics |
14.10.2021 | Mark W. Watson (Princeton) | Aggregate Implications of Changing Sectoral Trends |
20.10.2021 | Veronica Guerrieri (Chicago Booth) | Monetary Policy in Times of Structural Reallocation |
04.11.2021 | Francesco Bianchi (Johns Hopkins and Duke ) | Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Times of Large Debt: Unity is Strength |
11.11.2021 | Eric Leeper (University of Virginia) | Recovery of 1933 |
16.12.2021 | Victoria Ivashina (Harvard Business School) | Why is Dollar Debt Cheaper? Evidence from Peru |
09.03.2022 | Giovanni Ricco (Warwick and CEPR) | A Discussion of Central Bank Information Effects. |
17.03.2022 | Sang Seok Lee (Bilkent University) | "Why is Consumption so Seasonal?" |
27.12.2024 | Özer Karagedikli (Asian School of Business) | Policy, News and Noise: Do Funds Rate Surprises Matter Anymore? |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
02.09.2020 | Sang Seok Lee, Bilkent University | “The Ends of 30 Big Depressions” |
25.09.2020 | Ben Bernanke (Brookings Institution) | "A Conversation with Ben Bernanke" |
08.10.2020 | Kenneth Rogoff, Harvard University | “Wıll the Secular Decline in Exchange Rate and Inflation Volatility Survive COVID-19?” |
16.10.2020 | Alp Şimşek, MIT and Chicago Booth | “Monetary Policy with Opinionated Markets” |
06.11.2020 | Ali Özdağlı, FRB Dallas | “Interest Rates and Insurance Company Investment BehavIor” |
04.12.2020 | Ricardo Reis, LSE | ‘’The People versus the Markets: A Parsimonious Model of Inflation Expectations’’ |
30.09.2021 | Yuriy Gorodnichenko (Berkeley) | Unbundling of Quantitative Easing: Taking a Cue from Treasury Auctions |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
04.09.2019 | Sang Seok LEE (Bilkent University) | "A Modest Proposal for Sharing Consumption Risk" |
15.10.2019 | Mark KerBenfischer (Economist at Deutsche Bundesbank) | "What do a Billion Trades say About the Effect of Monetary Policy on Financial Markets" |
10.12.2019 | Ambrio Cesa - Bianchi ( Bank of England) | Firm Heterogeneity, Credit Spreads, and Monetary Policy |
20.12.2019 | Kamil Yılmaz (Koç University) | "Bond Market Connectedness and Monetary Policy in the New Normal " |
06.03.20200 | Özer Karagedikli (SEACEN) | TBA |
13.03.2020 | Antonella Trigari (Bocconi University) | TBA |
24.03.2020 | Ali Özdağlı (Boston Fed) | TBA |
03.04.2020 | Filip Matejka (CERGE) | TBA |
13.04.2020 | Ruy Lama (IMF) | TBA |
22.04.2020 | Nobu Kiyotaki (Princeton and LSE) | TBA |
08.05.2020 | Morten Ravn (UCL) | TBA |
19.05.2020 | Corina Boar (NYU) | TBA |
02.06.2020 | Ulrich Muller (Princeton) | TBA |
Sinem Hacıoğlu (BOE) | TBA |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
05.10.2018 | Anna Cieslak (Duke University ) | Non-Monetary News in Central Bank Communication |
09.10.2018 | Refet S. Gürkaynak (Bilkent University) | Measuring Euro Area Monetary Policy |
26.10.2018 | Marek Jarocinski (European Central Bank) | International spillovers of the Fed and ECB monetary policy surprises |
02.11.2018 | Burcin Kısacikoglu (Bilkent University) | Real Term Structure and New Keynesian Models |
09.11.2018 | Luca Brugnolini (Central Bank of Malta) | Forecasting Deflation Probability in the Euro Area: A Combinatoric Approach |
30.11.2018 | Barbara Rossi (ICREA-UPF and Barcelona GSE) | Alternative Tests for Correct Specification of Conditional Forecast Densities |
11.12.2018 | Burcu Duygan-Bump (Federal Reserve Board) | The Fed's Inaugural Financial Stability Report: The need, the framework, the outcome |
14.12.2018 | Eric T. Swanson (University of California at Irvine) | Implications of Labor Market Frictions for Risk Aversion and Risk Premia |
21.12.2018 | Daron Acemoğlu (MIT) | Demographics and Automation |
25.12.2018 | Yıldız Akkaya Blake | Uncertainty of Interest Rate Path as a Monetary Policy Instrument |
15.03.2019 | Bill English (Yale University) | Money-Financed Fiscal Programs: A Cautionary Tale |
27.03.2019 | Philippe Weil | |
12.04.2019 | Carlo Favero (University of Bocconi | Austerity |
26.04.2019 | Pol Antras (Harvard University) | Venting Out: Exports During a Domestic Slump |
03.05.2019 | Stephen Hansen (University of Oxford) | Policymakers’ Uncertainty |
23.05.2019 Thursday at 10:30 | Martin Uribe (Columbia University) | The Neo-Fisher Effect: Econometric Evidence from Empirical and Optimizing Models |
24.05.2019 | Simon Gilchrist (NYU) | The Real Effects of Credit Booms and Busts |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
06.10.2017 | Lars Svensson (Stockholm School of Economics) | ‘’Cost-Benefit Analysis of Leaning Against the Wind’’ |
13.10.2017 | Jean Paul Renne (University of Lausanne) | ‘’Measuring Inflation Anchoring and Uncertainty: A US and Area Comparison ‘’ |
20.10.2017 | Silvia Miranda Agrppino (Monetary Analysis - MFAD / Bank of England) | ‘’Unsurprising Shocks: Information, Premia, and the Monetary Transmission. ‘’ |
20.10.2017 | Giovanni Ricco (University of Warwick) | ‘’The Transmission of Monetary Policy Shocks" |
03.11.2017 | Paul Hubert (OFCE) | ''Central Bank information and the effects of monetary shocks‘’ |
17.11.2017 | Gökçe Karasoy (Bilkent University) | ''Stock Market's Assessment of Monetary Policy transmission : The Cash Flow Effect'' |
17.11.2017 | Cem Çakmaklı (Koç Unversity) | ‘’Modeling and Estimation of Synchronization in Size-Sorted Portfolio Returns‘’ |
01.12.2017 | Ethan Ilzetski (LSE) | ‘’ Measuring Productivity Dispersion: Lessons From Counting One - Hundred Million ballots‘’ |
22.12.2017 | Özer Karagedikli (Reserve Bank of New Zealand) | ‘’Quantitative or qualitative forward guidance : Does it matter ?‘’ |
27.12.2017 | Fatih Karahan (Federal Reserve Bank of New York ) | “Demographic Origins of the Startup Deficit.” |
28.12.2017 | Burcu Duygan-Bump (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System) | "Unconventional" Monetary Policy as Conventional Monetary Policy: A perspective from the U.S. in the 1920s'' |
23.03.2018 | Michael Mc Mahon (St. Hugh's College, University of Oxford) | ''The Long-Run Information Effect of Central Bank Narrative '' |
30.03.2018 | Dante Amenguel Baez (Department of Economics, CEMFI) | ''Normality tests for latent variables'' |
20.04.2018 | Taisuke Nakata | ''The Risky Steady State and the Interest Rate Lower Bound'' |
04.05.2018 | Ebru Voyvoda (Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, METU ) | ''On Barriers to Technology Adoption, Appropriate Technology and Deep Integration (with implications for the European Union)'' |
07.08.2018 | Sina Ateş (Federal Reserve Board) | ''Innovation and Trade Policy in a Globalized World'' |
14.08.2018 | Ufuk Akçiğit (University of Chicago) | ''Declining Business Dynamism: Some Lessons from the Modern Growth Theory and Patent Data'' |
14.08.2018 | Sang Seok Lee (Bilkent University) | ''Stock Market's Assessment of Monetary Policy Transmission: The Cash Flow Effect'' |
14.08.2018 | Selman Erol (Carnegie Mellon) | ''Interbank Networks in the Shadows of the Federal Reserve Act'' |
14.08.2018 | Burçin Kısacıkoğlu (Bilkent University) | ''The Information Content of News Announcements'' |
14.08.2018 | Daron Acemoğlu (MIT) | ''Endogenous Production Networks'' |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
04.11.2016 | Galip Kemal Ozhan | Financial Intermediation, Resource Allocation, and Macroeconomic Interdependence |
25.11.2016 | Julien Labonne | Incumbent Advantage, Voter Information and Vote Buying |
16.12.2016 | Benjamin Born | Does Austerity Pay Off? |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
06/10/2015 | Lutz Kilian,Michigan Department of Economics | ''A General Approach to Recovering Market Expectations from Futures Prices With an Application to Crude Oil’ |
9/10/2015 | Raffaella Giacomini | Models, Information and Expectation Updates |
13/10/2015 | Serdar Özkan,University of Toronto | What Do Data on Millions of U.S. Workers Say About Life Cycle Labor Income Risk? |
16/10/2015 | Ngoc-sang Pham | ''Intertemporal equilibrium with heterogeneous agents, endogneus dividends and barrowing constraints.'' |
27/11/2015 | Michael Weber | Inflation Expectations and Consumption Expenditure’’ |
18/12/2015 | Enes Sunel | External Shocks, Banks and Optimal Monetary Policy in an Open Economy |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
19 September, 2014 | Secil Yıldırım, Bilkent University | " Uncertainty in Financial Markets and Business Cycles" |
26 September, 2014 | Bilin Neyaptı, Bilkent University | "The Nexus of Economic and Institutional Evolution" |
09 October, 2014 | Paolu Surico, LBS | ''Federal Transfer Multipliers: Quasi-experimental evidence from Brazil'' |
17 October, 2014 | Agustin Perez-Barahona, INRA & Ecole Polytechnique | " Environmental Pollution and Biodiversity: Light Pollution and Sea Turtles in the Caribbean" |
7 November | Philippe Andrade, Banque de France | "Fundamental Disagreement'' |
28 November, 2014 | Peter Karadi, European Central Bank | ''Monetary Policy Surprises, Credit Costs And Economic Activity" |
10 December, 2014 | Seda Köymen | ''Wage Inequality, Skill-Specific Unemployment and Trade Liberalization'' |
26 December,2014 | Yalin Gunduz, Bundesbank | '‘Impacts of the Financial Crisis on Eurozone Sovereign CDS Spreads’' |
22 January, 2015 | Debborah J. Lucas, MIT | ''Evaluating the Cost of Government Credit Support: The OECD Context'' |
6 February, 2015 | Kirill Shakhnov, EUI | ''The Allocation of Talent: Finance versus Entrepreneurship'' |
9 February, 2015 | Sina Ates, UPENN | ''Beyond Cash: Venture Capital, Firm Dynamics, and Economic Growth'' |
11 February, 2015 | Engin Kara | ''Inflation, Oil Prices and the Great Recession'' |
20 February, 2015 | Matteo Luciani | ''Dynamic Factor Models, Cointegration, and Error Correction Mechanisms'' |
27 March, 2015 | Ayse Kabukcuoglu, KOÇ University | ''What helps forecast U.S. inflation? - Mind the gap!'' |
3 April, 2015 | Andrei A. Levchenko, University of Michigan | "TFP, News, and “Sentiments:” The International Transmission of Business Cycles" |
10 April, 2015 | Erinç Yeldan, Bilkent University | “Impact Analysis of the Turkish Employment Subsidization Measures, 2008-2013: An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis” |
17 April, 2015 | Diaa Noureldin, The American University in Cairo | “Volatility Prediction Using A High-Frequency-Based Component Model” |
15 May, 2015 | Karim Abadir | ''Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics? Examples From Finance and Economics'' |
2013-2014 Spring
Date | Presenter | Subject |
29th January | Sang Seok Lee ( University of Oxford ) / Job Market Seminar | Information Value of the Interest Rate and the Zero Lower Bound |
17th February | Asli Senkal ( University of Virginia ) / Job Market Seminar | Misallocation and Recovery Rates |
20th February | Ata Can Bertay ( Tilburg University ) / Job Market Seminar | The transmission of real estate shocks through multinational banks |
14th March | Nicolas Coeurdacier ( Sciences Po ) | The One-Child Policy and Household Savings |
21st March | Beata Javorcik ( Oxford University ) | Accession to the World Trade Organization and Tariff Evasion |
28th March | Sergey Slobodyan ( CERGE-EI ) | Adaptive learning and survey expectations of inflation |
4th April | Lars Svensson ( IIS Stockholm ) | Leaning Against the Wind” Leads to a Higher (Not Lower) Household Debt-to-GDP Ratio |
11st April | Helene Rey ( LBS ) | Financial integration and growth in a risky world |
18th April | Girorgio Primiceri ( Nortwestern and Bocconi ) | Credıt Supply and the Housıng Boom |
9th May | Kursat Onder ( TCMB ) | Collateralized Sovereign Debt in a Model of Equilibrium Default |
16th May | Zvi Eckstein ( Herzliya ) | How does education affect marriage and employment? |
June | Aysegul Sahin ( NY Fed ) | TBA |
2013-2014 Fall
Date | Presenter | Subject |
10th September | Linda Tesar (University Of Michigan) | Saving Europe? The Unpleasant Arithmetic of Fiscal Austerity in Integrated Economies |
20th September | Ander Perez (Pompeu Fabra University) | Is Bank Debt Special for the Transmission of Monetary Policy? Evidence from the Stock Market |
27th September | Yildiz Akkaya (Bilkent University) | The Uncertainty of Interest Rate Path as a Monetary Policy Tool |
4th October | Selin Sayek Boke (Bilkent University) | Banking Crisis Lessons from History: Learning from Emerging Economies’ Experiences |
8th October | Peter Diamond (MIT) | Interpreting the Beveridge Curve |
1st November | Wouter Den Haan (LSE) | Inventories and the Role of Goods-Market Frictions for Business Cycles |
8th November | Marcel Fratzscher (DIW) | Bubble Thy Neighbor: Portfolio Effects and Externalities from Capital Controls |
15th November | Domenico Giannone (ECARES/LUISS) | Prior Selection for Vector Autoregressions |
22nd November | Roberto Pancrazi (Warwick) | Participation Costs and Consumption Smoothing: Theory and Empirical Evidence |
29th November | Francesco Giavazzi (Bocconi) | The output effect of fiscal consolidation plans |
13rd December | Mirko Wiederholt (Frankfurt) | Dispersed Inflation Expectations and the Zero Lower Bound |
23rd December | Dirk Krueger (Upenn) | Intergenerational Redistribution in the Great Recession |
2012-2013 Spring
Date | Presenter | Subject |
15 March | Kevin Sheppard (Oxford University) | ''Ambiguity and the historical equity premium'' |
22 March | Hakki Yazici ( Sabanci University) | ''Machines, Buildings, and Optimal Dynamic Taxes'' |
5 April | Philippe Martin ( Sciences Po) | ''Time To Ship During Financial Crises'' |
12 April | Tommaso Monacelli (Bocconi ) | "Tax Cuts vs Government Spending: Welfare and the Zero Lower Bound" |
19 April | Shin Kanaya (Aarhus University) | ''Are University Admissions Academically Fair? '' |
26 April | Veronica Rappoport (LSE) | ''Dissecting the Effect of Credit Supply on Trade: Evidence from Matched Credit-Export Data'' |
24 May | Emanuel Ornelas (LSE) | ''Institutions and Export Dynamics" |
2012-2013 Fall
Date | Presenter | Subject |
26 September | Gauti Eggertsson | ''Deficits; Public Debt Dynamics and Tax and Spending Multipliers'' |
5 October | Refet Gurkaynak | ''Judging the DSGE Model by Its Forecast'' |
12 October | Zeynep Kantur | ''Aging and Monetary Policy'' |
9 November | Bartosz Mackowiak | ''Business Cycle Dynamics under Rational Inattention'' |
14 November | Harald Uhlig | “The Dynamics of Sovereign Debt Crises and Bailouts'' |
16 November | Thomas Chaney | ''The Gravity Equation in International Trade: An Explanation'' |
23 November | Andrea Ichino | ''The Inefficiency of Worker Time Use'' |
5 December | Egon Zakrajsek | Uncertainty, Financial Frictions, and Irreversible Investment |
7 December | Jordi Gali | ''Notes for a New Guide to Keynes (I): Wages, Aggregate Demand, and Employment'' |
14 December | Talha Yalta | "Small Sample Bootstrap Inference of Level Relationships in the Presence of Autocorrelated Errors: A Large Scale Simulation Study and an Application in Energy Demand" |
2011-2012 Spring
Date | Presenter | Subject |
June 1 | Carlos Velasco (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) | TBA |
May 4 | Mika Meitz (Koç Uni.) | TBA |
May 2 | Carmen Camacho (CNRS) | TBA |
April 27 | Bertrand Wigniolle (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne) | TBA |
April 20 | Ceyhun Elgin (Boğaziçi Uni.) | TBA |
April 13 | İhsan Tunalı (Koç University) | TBA |
April 6 | Hakan Yetkiner ve Bahar Sağlam (İzmir Ekonomi Uni. and Hacettepe Uni.) | A Romerian Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth |
March 30 | Thomas Seegmuller (Greqam) | Rational Bubbles and Macroeconomic Fluctuations: The (de-)Stabilizing Role of Monetary Policy |
March 23 | Kamil Yılmaz (Koç University) | TBA |
March 16 | Peter Robinson (London School of Economics) | Gaussian Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Fractional Time Series Models |
February 03 | Cuong Le Van | General Equilibrium and Growth |
2011-2012 Fall
Date | Presenter | Subject |
January 13 | Mehmet Ali Ulubaşoğlu | Romes without Empires: Urban Concentration, Political Competition, and Economic Growth |
December 23 | Temel Taşkın | Unemployment Insurance and Home Production |
December 16 | Erem Ateşağaoğlu | Skill-Biased Technological Change and Homeownership |
December 06 | Filiz Ünsal | Capital Flows and Financial Stability: Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Responses |
December 02 | Murat Koyuncu | Growth and Income Inequality under Progressive Taxation |
November 25 | ||
November 21 | Sahibe Meral Çakıcı | Default Risk Premium and Aggregate Fluctuations in a Small Open Economy |
November 18 | Hande Küçük | Portfolio Allocation and International Risk Sharing |
November 11 | ||
November 04 | ||
October 27 | Brendan McCabe | Testing for Parameter Constancy in Non Gaussian Time Series |
October 14 | Çağaçan Değer | An Overlapping Generations Analysis of Social Security Reform in Turkey |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
04.09.2019 | Sang Seok LEE (Bilkent University) | "A Modest Proposal for Sharing Consumption Risk" |
15.10.2019 | Mark KerBenfischer (Economist at Deutsche Bundesbank) | "What do a Billion Trades say About the Effect of Monetary Policy on Financial Markets" |
10.12.2019 | Ambrio Cesa - Bianchi ( Bank of England) | Firm Heterogeneity, Credit Spreads, and Monetary Policy |
20.12.2019 | Kamil Yılmaz (Koç University) | "Bond Market Connectedness and Monetary Policy in the New Normal " |
06.03.20200 | Özer Karagedikli (SEACEN) | TBA |
13.03.2020 | Antonella Trigari (Bocconi University) | TBA |
24.03.2020 | Ali Özdağlı (Boston Fed) | TBA |
03.04.2020 | Filip Matejka (CERGE) | TBA |
13.04.2020 | Ruy Lama (IMF) | TBA |
22.04.2020 | Nobu Kiyotaki (Princeton and LSE) | TBA |
08.05.2020 | Morten Ravn (UCL) | TBA |
19.05.2020 | Corina Boar (NYU) | TBA |
02.06.2020 | Ulrich Muller (Princeton) | TBA |
Sinem Hacıoğlu (BOE) | TBA |