Microeconomics Seminars

For inquiries, please contact Nuh Aygün Dalkıran  and Arda Gitmez

Unless otherwise stated, seminars are held on Wednesday at 14:00 in Room FEASS 228.


21.10.2022Teddy Mekonnen (Brown University) "Certification in Search Markets" (Joint with Zeky Murra-Anton and Bobak Pakzad-Hurson)
02.11.2022Kym Pram (University of Nevada, Reno)"Learning and Evidence in Insurance Markets."
09.11.2022Gözde Çörekçioğlu İshakoğlu (KADİR HAS UNİVERSİTESİ)

"Leadership, Social Networks and Workplace Climate Through a Gender Lens’’
16.11.2022Siyang Xiong (University of California, Riverside)"Common Agency with Non-Delegation or Imperfect Commitment"
23.11.2022Yi-Chun Chen (National University of Singapore)"Information Design in Optimal Auctions"
30.11.2022Maria Titova (Vanderbilt University)''Targeted Advertising in Elections''
07.12.2022Dr. Ayşe Gül Mermer
(Tilburg University)
"Over-workers and Drop-Outs in Competitions: Contests with Expectations-Based Loss-Averse Agents"
13.12.2022Mert Demirer
Assistant Professor, Applied Economics
MIT Sloan School of Management
''Do Mergers and Acquisitions Improve Efficiency: Evidence from Power Plants ''
21.12.2022Cem Peker (School of Management, Polytechnic University of Milan)"Peer Prediction Markets to Elicit Unverifiable Information"
10.01.2023Erkut Özbay (University of Maryland)"The Thrill of Gradual Learning"
01.03.2023Arda Gitmez (Bilkent University)"Informational Autocrats, Diverse Societies"
15.03.2023Tore Ellingsen (Stockholm School of Economics)"A Model of Social Duties"
23.03.2023Özgün Ekici
(Özyeğin University)
"Pair-efficient Reallocation of Indivisible Objects"
29.03.2023Stefan Trautmann
(Heidelberg University)
"Higher Order Risk Preferences and Economic Decisions"
30.03.2023Seda Ertaç Güler

(Koç University)
“Randomized Educational Interventions on Social Interactions and Incentives in the Classroom Environment”
12.04.2023Murat Güray Kırdar (Boğaziçi University)"Propagation of Immigration Shocks through Firm-to-Firm Trade Networks"
26.04.2023Toygar Kerman
(Corvinus University of Budapest)
“Persuading Communicating Voters”
03.05.2023Murat Demirci (Koç University)"Major Outcomes: Do Foreign Undergraduate Students Impact Major Choices at U.S. Colleges and Universities?"
10.05.2023Paula Onuchic (Oxford University)"Disclosure and Incentives in Teams"
17.05.2023Aleksandr Sasha Levkun (Bilkent University)"Dynamics of Risky Agreements''
24.05.2023Selcen Çakır
(Boğaziçi University)
"Delegation and Recruitment in Organizations: The Slippery Slope to "Bad" Leadership"
29.11.2023Chiara Aina
(Harvard University)
"Tailored Stories"
07.12.2023Isaac Sorkin
(Stanford University)
"Quantifying Racial Disparities Using Consecutive Employment Spells."
13.03.2023Amanda Friedenberg (University of Michigan) “Epistemic Foundations for Level-k Behavior” (with Adam Brandenburger and Terri Kneeland)
21.03.2024Michele Lombardi (University of Liverpool)''Implementation in vNM Stable Set''
27.03.2024Arseniy Samsonov (Özyeğin University) "Should Politicians be Informed? Targeted Benefits and Heterogeneous Voters"
04.04.2024 Mohamed Saleh
''The Power of Connections: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Corporate Performance in Egypt, 1890–1950 (with Cihan Artunç)''
18.04.2024Mustafa Doğan (İstanbul Technical University) ''Designing Information to Screen''
24.04.2024Inga Deimen (University of Arizona) ''Strategic Information Transmission in the Employment Relationship''
17.05.2024Emre Ekinci (Koç University)''The Effect of International Graduate Students on University Innovation: Evidence from Patent Data''
02.10.2024Rossella Argenziano (Essex University)''Data Governance with Vulnerable Individuals (joint with Francesco Squintani)''
04.10.2024Umut Dur (North Carolina State University)’Who gets the bonus? Affirmative Action Reforms in High School Admissions in China’’
16.10.2024Anqi Li (University of Waterloo)''Learning Source Biases: Multisource Misspecifications and Their Impact on Predictions''


13.10.2021Luciano Pomatto (Caltech)"Monotone Additive Statistics"
03.11.2021Özgür Kıbrıs (Sabancı University)“A Random Reference Model”
10.11.2021Selim Güleşçi (Trinity College Dublin)''Childcare for family welfare: Experimental evidence from Uganda''
17.11.2021Simone Cerreia Vioglio
(University of Bocconi)
''Making Decisions under Model Misspecification''
24.11.2021Luis Candelaria (Warwick)''Identification and Inference of Network Formation Games with Misclassified Links''
01.12.2021Ali Yürükoğlu (Stanford University)"Concentration in Product Markets''
08.12.2021Naci Mocan (LSU)Deterrence and Compellence in the Parliament
15.12.2021Matthew Backus (Columbia University) "Common Ownership and Competition in the Ready-To-Eat Cereal Industry’’

22.12.2021Florian Brandl
(University of Bonn)
''A Natural Adaptive Process for Collective Decision-Making''
11.05.2022Özgür Kıbrıs (Sabancı Üniversitesi) "A Random Reference Model"
15.06.2022Yunus Can Aybaş
(Stanford University)
"Efficient Cheap Talk in Complex Environments"
11.08.2022PhD Ahmet Gülek (MIT)"Formal Effects of Informal Labor Supply: Evidence from the Syrian refugees in Turkey"


05.09.2020Alexander Woliztky (MIT)"Do a Few Bad Apples Spoil the Barrel? Cooperation in Large Populations with Incomplete Information"
19.09.2020Camille Terrier (HEC Lausanne) "The Design of Teacher Assignment: Theory and Evidence"
26.09.2020 Wioletta Dziuda (University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy)
"Voters and the Policy Stability versus Responsiveness Tradeoff"
09.11.2020Sydnee Caldwell ( UC Berkeley)“OutsIde OptIons In the Labor Market ‘’
18.11.2020Román Andrés Zárate

(University of Toronto)
"An Experimental Approach to Peer Effects: Evidence on Social and Academic Skills"
25.11.2020Benjamin Marx

(Sciences Po)
“Islam and the State: Religious Education in the Age of Mass Schooling ‘’
02.12.2020Ina Taneva
(University of Edinburgh)
"Organized Information Disclosure"
09.12.2020Gabriele Gratton (UNSW) "Liberty, Security, and Accountability: The Rise and Fall of Illiberal Democracies’’
14.12.2020Chiara Margaria (Boston University)"Signaling What You Don't Want"
03.03.2021Ingela Alger

(Toulouse School of Economics)
"Homo Moralis Goes to the Voting Booth"
10.03.2021Arjada Bardhi

(Duke University)
“Local Evidence and Diversity in Minipublics”
24.03.2021Charles Sprenger (CALTECH)"Intertemporal Salience: Theoretical Foundations and Experimental Evidence’’
31.03.2021Dana Foarta (Stanford GSB)"Market Competition and Political Influence: An Integrated Approach"
14.04.2021Laura Doval (Columbia)"Purchase history and product personalization"
28.04.2021Parag Pathak (MIT)"The Long-Term Effects of Universal Preschool in Boston"
05.05.2021Harry Pei (Northwestern University)''Reputation Building under Observational Learning''
12.05.2021Faruk Gul
Princeton University
''Lindahl Equilibrium as a Collective Choice Rule''


02.10.2019Nuh Aygün Dalkıran (Bilkent University)"Behavioral Implementation under Incomplete Information"
16.10.2019Eric Verhoogen (Columbia University)"Estimating Production Functions Using Quantity Information and External Instruments "
23.10.2019Peter Neary (University of Oxford )"Sales and Markup Dispersion: Quantifying Misallocation"
30.10.2019Andreas Dzemski (University of Gothenburg)"Confidence Set for Group Membership"
27.11.2019Mikhail Panov (NYU (HSE St. Petersburg starting September 2019)"Cooperation in Bargaining and the Nash Program"
11.12.2019Duk Gyoo Kim (University of Mannheim)"Multilateral Bargaining over the Division of Losses"
18.12.2019Yunus Can Aybaş
(Stanford University)
"The Value of Precision in Persuasion"


19.09.2018Ben Greiner (University of Vienna) Strategic Uncertainty Aversion in Bargaining - Experimental Evidence
26.09.2018Sarah Auster (University of Bocconi)Robust Bidding and Revenue in Descending Price Auctions
10.10.2018Fabio Galeorri ( CNRS-Gate Lab LyonThe negative spillover effects of monitoring on intrinsic honesty
17.10.2018Selçuk Özyurt (Sabancı University)Efficient and Incentive Compatible Mediation: An Ordinal Mechanism Design Approach
31.10.2018Doruk Cetemen (Collegio Carlo Alberto)Moral Hazard and Time Inconsistency: Dynamic Contracting with Non-exponential Discounting
14.11.2018Martin Weidner (UCL)"Nuclear Norm Regularized Estimation of Panel Regression Models"
21.11.2018Özgür Evren (NES)"Extension of Monotonic Functions and Representation of Preferences"
05.12.2018Remzi Sanver (LAMSADE, Paris Dauphine University)Positively Responsive Collective Choice Rules and

Majority Rule: a Generalization of May’s Theorem to

Many Alternatives"
26.12.2018Pelin akyol (Bilkent University)"Taking PISA Seriously: How Accurate are Low-Stakes Exams?"
08.03.2019Emre Özdenören (LBS)"Dynamic Asset-Backed Security Design"
27.03.2019Hamid Sobourian (Unv. of Cambridge)"Evolution of rules, Selection and Mutation: Efficiency and Egalitarianis"
03.04.2019Miguel Ballester (Oxford Unv)"Multı-Parametrıc Random Utılıty Models For The Joınt Treatment Of Rısk And Tıme Preferences "
17.04.2019Paola Manzini (Unv. of Sussex)"Inferring Cognitive Heterogeneity from Aggregate Choices"
18.04.2019Marco Mariotti (Queen Mary Unv)“Sequential Approval: A Model of “Likes”, Paper Downloads and Other Forms of Click Behaviour”
24.04.2019Wolfgan Leininger ((TU Dortmund)"Optimal Favoritism in Contests with Complete Information: the (almost) complete Theory"
08.05.2019Shiran Rachmilevitch (unv. of Haifa)"Symmetric equilibria in a class of symmetric 2-player repeated games."
15.05.2019Beata Javorcik (Oxford Unv)''Good for the Environment, Good for Business Foreign Acquisitions and Energy Intensity''


06.09.2017Battal Doğan (HEC Lausanne)Unified Enrollment in School Choice: How to Improve Student Assignment in Chicago
04.10.2017Kemal Yıldız (Bilkent University) Prudential Choice
25.10.2017Nejat Anbarcı (Deakin University)Strategic Investments in Bargaining Positions with a Fixed Surplus
08.10.2017Christoph Kuzmics (University of Graz) Cognitive Empathy in Conflict Situations
15.11.2017Nuh Aygün Dalkıran (Bilkent University) Intransitive Indifference under Uncertainty - Scott-Suppes Utility Representation
29.11.2017Jordi Brandts (Barcelona GSE)Deliberative Structures and Their Impact on Voting Behavior under Social Conflict
06.12.2017Christoph Vanberg (Universty of Heilderberg)Legislative Bargaining with Subjective Claims
20.12.2017Murat G. Kırdar (Boğaziçi University)"The Labor Market Effects of Syrian Immigrants in Turkey"
05.01.2018 Alessandro Bonatti (MIT)"Ratings-Based Price Discrimination"
14.03.2018Aysit Tansel (METU)''Analyzing Wage Differentials by Fields of Study: Evidence from Turkey''
28.03.2018Alp Atakan (Koç University)''Price Discovery with Costly Competitive Bidding''
04.04.2018Arno Riedl (Maastricht University)''Revealed Incomplete Preferences under Uncertainty: Convexity and Bewley Preferences''
11.04.2018Mehmet Ali Soytaş (Özyeğin University)" What is the Source of the Intergenerational Correlation in Earnings?"
25.04.2018Donato Gerardi (Collegio Carlo Alberto)"Dynamic Contracting with Limited Commitment and the Ratchet Effect"
02.05.2018Anna Sanktjohanser (Toulouse School of Economics)Optimally Stubborn
09.05.2018Geert Dhaene (KU Leuven)Profile-Score Adjustments For Incidental-Parameter Problems
16.05.2018Giorgia Romagnoli (University of Amsterdam)Testing the Separation of Tastes and Beliefs
23.05.2018Brit Grosskopf (University of Exeter)‘’More Meat for Boys: Evidence of Gender Based Statistical Discrimination in British Carvery Restaurants’’
30.05.2018Elias L. Khalil (Monash Business School)"Naturalizing the Sacred."


19.10.2016Begüm GüneyChoice and Games with Switching Costs
30.10.2016Tuğçe ÇuhadaroğluInterdependent Choice and Influence
14.12.2016Erol DoğanCommon learning on a continuum state space
16.12.2016Mehmet BarloSpillovers between Skilled and Low Skilled Labor
Migration in a Multi-Regional Setting
28.12.2016Muharrem YeşilırmakBonus Pay for AchievementTeachers, Spatial Sorting, and Student
29.03.2017Yusuf Ertaş"Two Essays on Bargaining Games"
12.04.2017Mert KimyaChoice, Consideration Sets and Attribute Filters
19.04.2017Michael RichterBreadth vs Depth (joint with S. Geng and L. Pejsachowicz)
24.05.2017Jeremy FoxGeographic Expansion Mergers and FCC Spectrum Policy: Estimating a Matching Game with Externalities


30/09/2015Swati Dhingra,LSEInput-Output Linkages and Product Adoption.
14/10/2015Özgür Yılmaz, Koç Üniversitesi How (not) to integrate blood subtyping technology to kidney exchange
Daniel Wilhelm, University of College London’Nonparametric instrumental variable estimation under monotonicity’
11/11/2015Levent Kutlu, Antalya International UniversityEstimation of Cost Efficiency Without Cost Data
02/12/2015Mustafa Yıldırım, İzmir Katip Çelebi UniversityPre-Contest Communication Incentives
09/12/2015Elif Kubilay, Koç UniversityAltruism through Empathy: Evidence from the Field
16/12/2015Kerim Keskin, Bilkent ÜniversityOrganizational Refinements of Nash Equilibrium
23/12/2015Takuro Yamashita, Toulouse School of EconomicsAsymmetric information allocation to avoid
9/03/2016Ipek Tapki Gursel, Kadir Has UniversityTBA
18/03/2016Ariel Rubinstein Tel Aviv University and NYU
23/03/2016Ayca Ebru Giritligil Bilgi University
30/03/2016Begum Guney Ozyegin University
06/04/2016Georg Weizsaecker Humbolt University of Berlin
13/04/2016Keith Head Univesity of British Columbia
20/04/2016Basak Altan Ozyegin University
22/04/2016David Levine WUSTL and EUI
27/4/2016Kfir Eliaz Tel Aviv University
04/05/2016Bard Harstad University of Oslo
11/05/2016Seda Ertac Koc University
18/05/2016Wojciech Olswezski Northwestern University


16 September,2014Nick Feltovich,
Monash University
" How fully do people exploit their bargaining position? The effects of bargaining institution and the 50-50 norm"
24 September, 2014Eyal Winter,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
“Strategic Emotions”
1 October, 2014Levent Kockesen,
Koc University

''Communication and Allocation of Decisions over Time''
31 October, 2014Faruk Gul,
Princeton University

''Calibrated Uncertainty''
5 November,2014Takashi Kunimoto,
Hitotsubashi University

‘’Implementation with Transfers’’
12 November, 2014Orhan Aygun,
Bogazici University

‘’College Admission with Multidimensional Privileges: Brazilian Affirmative Action Case”
19 November, 2014Daniel Garrett,
Toulouse School of Economics

" Residual Deterrence"
24 December, 2014Shiran Rachmilevitch, University of Haifa ''Egalitarian-utilitarian bounds in Nash's bargaining problem''
30 December, 2014Marc Muendler,

''The Dynamics of Comparative Advantage''
10 February, 2015Eugene Jeong, Stanford University''Multidimensional Second-Price and English Auctions''
18 February, 2015Berk Yavuzoglu, University of Wisconsin-Madison''Labor Force Attachment Beyond Normal Retirement Age''
04 March, 2015Murat Yilmaz, Boğaziçi Üniversity"Dynamic Voluntary Contribution to a Public Project under Time-Inconsistency"
11 March, 2015Gary Bolton, University of Texas
"Inflated Reputations: Leniency and Moral Wiggle Room in Trader Feedback Systems"
24 March, 2015Eren İnci, Boğaziçi University''Parking is the permanent loss leader in shopping malls''
1 April, 2015Mürüvvet Büyükboyacı,
"On The Investment Implications of Bankruptcy Laws: An Experimental Test"
8 April, 2015Paul Frijters, The University of Queensland"Give and you shall receive: the emergence of welfare-reducing reciprocity?"
15 April, 2015Ethem Akyol, TOBB University“Allocation without Transfers: A Welfare Maximizing Mechanism”
22 April, 2015Sinan Ertemel, İTÜ“Welfare Egalitarianism under Uncertainty”
29 April, 2015Görkem Çelik, ESSEC‘’Recıprocal Relatıonshıps And Mechanısm Desıgn’’
6 May, 2015Eric Meyersson
“For the Love of the Republic - Education, Secularism and Empowerment''
20, May,2015Haluk Ergin
“Living Donor Lobar Liver/Lung Exchange”

2013-2014 Spring

28 JanuaryEzgi Kaya ( Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona ) / Job Market SeminarHeterogeneous Couples, Household Interactions and
Labor Supply Elasticities of Married Women
12 FebruaryIrem Guceri ( University of Oxford ) / Job Market SeminarTax incentives and R&D: an evaluation of the 2002
UK reform using micro data
13 FebruaryCihan Artunc ( Yale University ) / Job Market SeminarLegal Pluralism, Contracts, and Trade in the Ottoman Empire
25 FebruaryHuzeyfe Torun ( University of Virginia ) / Job Market SeminarEx-Ante Labor Market Efects of Compulsory
Military Service
26 FebruaryPelin Akyol ( The Pennsylvania State University ) / Job Market SeminarPreferences, Selection, and Value Added: A Structural
05 MarchRenato Gomes (Toulouse School of Economics)Competitive Screening under Heterogeneous Information
12 MarchEmre Ozdenoren (London Business School)Endogenous Contractual Externalities
19 MarchNenad Kos (Bocconi University)Information in Tender Offers With a Large Shareholder
26 MarchNeslihan Uler (University of Michigan)Experimental Departures from Self-Interest when Competing Partnerships Share Output’
02 AprilYusufcan Masatlioglu (University of Michigan)Limited Attention
09 AprilOzgur Kibris (Sabanci University)On Surplus-Sharing Rules in Partnerships
16 AprilMartin Kocher (University of Munich)An Anatomy of Ambiguity Attitudes
30 AprilMustafa Oguz Afacan (Sabanci University)The Object Allocation Problem with Random Priorities
07 MayNizar Allouch (Queen Mary, University of London)The cost of segregation in social networks
14 MayOkan Yilankaya (Koc University)Resale in Second Price Auctions with Costly Participation
21 MayFlip Klijn (Barcelona Graduate School of Economics)A Many-to-Many `Rural Hospital Theorem'
28 MayRakesh Vohra (UPenn)On Fragmented Markets
30 MayJohannes Horner (Yale University)Optimal Design for Social Learning
4 JuneKevin Bryan (University of Toronto)The Direction of Innovation
11 JuneKevin Hasker (Bilkent University)The Emergent Seed: A Representation Theorem for Models of
Stochastic Evolution and two formulas for Waiting Time

2013-2014 Fall

25 SeptemberEray Cumbul (TOBB ETU / IESE)Stackelberg versus Cournot Oligopoly with Private Information
2 OctoberAlp Atakan (Koc University)Auctions, Actions, and The Failure of Information Aggregation
9 October
Alan Miller (University of Haifa)Scholarly Influence
6 NovemberShmuel Zamir (Center for Rationality, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)Representations of Constitutions Under Incomplete Information
20 NovemberAhmet Alkan (Sabanci University)Pairing Games and Markets
27 NovemberSergio Currarini (Università di Venezia)Games on Networks:
Direct Complements and Indirect Substitutes
4 DecemberMartin Weidner (University College London)
Incidental Parameter Bias in
Panel Quantile Regressions
18 DecemberSenay Sokullu (University of Bristol)Airport Prices in a Two-Sided Framework
25 DecemberSelcuk Ozyurt (Sabanci University)
'Take it or Leave it' Offers in Negotiations

2012-2013 Spring

March 20Mehmet Barlo, Sabanci University"Entropic Selection of Nash Equilibrium"
March 27Asher Wolinksy, Northwestern University "A Common Value Auction with Bid Solicitation"
April 17Serra Boranbay, University of Mannheim''Club Goods: Collective Choice or Competition''
May 08Alexander Cappelen, Norwegian School of Economics and Business"Over-attribution of individual responsibility"
May 15Jerome Pouyet, Paris School of Economics''Anticompetitive Vertical Merger Waves''
May 23Şule Alan, Koç University''Subprime Consumer Credit Demand: Evidence from a Lender’s Pricing Experiment''
May 29Sinan Sarpça, Koç University"Public Funding and the Competition Between State and Private Colleges"

2012-2013 Fall

3 OctoberCahit Güven (Deakin University)Age at Migration; English Language Proficiency and Adult Outcomes Among Australian Immigrants: Evidence From Hilda Survey
10 OctoberRoberto Weber (University of Zürich)Managing Social Credibility: An Experiment on Coordination and Leadership
19 OctoberUnal Zenginobuz (Bogazici University)Oates' Decentralization Theorem with Household Mobility
31 OctoberMehmet Ekmekçi (Northwestern Kellogg Business School)Informatıon ın Tender Offers Wıth a Large Shareholder
2 NovemberJean Laine ( Bilgi University)Consistent Collective Rankings
21 NovemberKerem Cosar ( Chicago Booth School of Business)Market Access and Regional Specialization in a Ricardian World
28 NovemberAbdurrahman Aydemir (Sabanci University)Turkish Immigrant Outcomes across European Destinations: Adult Labor Market Outcomes and School Success of Children
12 DecemberJerome Pouyet (Paris School of Economics)Anticompetitive Vertical Merger Waves
19 DecemberPeter Neary (Oxford University)Not so Demanding: Preference Structure,
Firm Behaviour, and Welfare
21 DecemberAriel Rubinstein (Tel Aviv University and New York University)A Model of Persuasion with Boundedly Rational Agents
26 DecemberIvan Pastine (UCD School of Economics)All-Pay Contests with Constraints
2 JanuaryMurat Kirdar (Middle East Technical University)Does Longer Compulsory Education Equalize Educational Attainment for Disadvantaged Groups?"

2011-2012 Spring

May 23Esra Eren Bayındır
May 16TBA
May 9Levent Ülkü
May 2Hadi Yektaş
(Zirve University)
April 25Nejat Anbarcı
(Deakin University)
April 18Arno Riedl
(Maastricht University)
April 11
Wiji Arulampalam
(University of Warwick)
March 28 Biung-Ghi Ju
(Seoul National University)
Fair Adjudication of Claims on Multiple Goods

2011-2012 Fall

January 04
Kerim Peren ArinNegotiating with terrorists: The costs of compliance
December 28 Mehmet Yiğit Gürdal
Truth-Telling and Trust in Sender-Receiver Games with Intervention
December 21
Rasim Özcan
(Türk Telekom and Koç University)
Public Procurement Auctions and Competition in Turkey
December 14
Uğur Özdemir
(Bilgi University)
Pass the Bucks: Investment Incentives as Political Credit-Claiming Devices:Evidence from a Survey Experiment
December 7 Sencer Ecer
(Istanbul Technical University)
Optimal Merger Policy-Variant Non-Price Strategies and Deterred Mergers
November 30 Alp Atakan
(Koç University)
Reputation in the Long-Run with Imperfect Monitoring
November 23 Ayça Özdoğan
"Sequential Diappearance of Reputations in Two-Sided Incomplete-Information Games"
October 19 Fernando Vega-Redondo
(European University Institute)
Social Networks, Institutions, and the Process of Globalization
October 12 Selçuk Özyurt
(Sabanci University)
Conflict Resolution: Role of Strategic Communication, Reputation and Audience Costs
October 5 Anita Gantner
(University of Innsbruck)
Division of a Dollar When Claims are Subjective