For inquiries, please contact Nuh Aygün Dalkıran and Arda Gitmez
Unless otherwise stated, seminars are held on Wednesday at 14:00 in Room FEASS 228.
Date | Presenter | Title |
21.10.2022 | Teddy Mekonnen (Brown University) | "Certification in Search Markets" (Joint with Zeky Murra-Anton and Bobak Pakzad-Hurson) |
02.11.2022 | Kym Pram (University of Nevada, Reno) | "Learning and Evidence in Insurance Markets." |
09.11.2022 | Gözde Çörekçioğlu İshakoğlu (KADİR HAS UNİVERSİTESİ) | "Leadership, Social Networks and Workplace Climate Through a Gender Lens’’ |
16.11.2022 | Siyang Xiong (University of California, Riverside) | "Common Agency with Non-Delegation or Imperfect Commitment" |
23.11.2022 | Yi-Chun Chen (National University of Singapore) | "Information Design in Optimal Auctions" |
30.11.2022 | Maria Titova (Vanderbilt University) | ''Targeted Advertising in Elections'' |
07.12.2022 | Dr. Ayşe Gül Mermer (Tilburg University) | "Over-workers and Drop-Outs in Competitions: Contests with Expectations-Based Loss-Averse Agents" |
13.12.2022 | Mert Demirer Assistant Professor, Applied Economics MIT Sloan School of Management | ''Do Mergers and Acquisitions Improve Efficiency: Evidence from Power Plants '' |
21.12.2022 | Cem Peker (School of Management, Polytechnic University of Milan) | "Peer Prediction Markets to Elicit Unverifiable Information" |
10.01.2023 | Erkut Özbay (University of Maryland) | "The Thrill of Gradual Learning" |
01.03.2023 | Arda Gitmez (Bilkent University) | "Informational Autocrats, Diverse Societies" |
15.03.2023 | Tore Ellingsen (Stockholm School of Economics) | "A Model of Social Duties" |
23.03.2023 | Özgün Ekici (Özyeğin University) | "Pair-efficient Reallocation of Indivisible Objects" |
29.03.2023 | Stefan Trautmann (Heidelberg University) | "Higher Order Risk Preferences and Economic Decisions" |
30.03.2023 | Seda Ertaç Güler (Koç University) | “Randomized Educational Interventions on Social Interactions and Incentives in the Classroom Environment” |
12.04.2023 | Murat Güray Kırdar (Boğaziçi University) | "Propagation of Immigration Shocks through Firm-to-Firm Trade Networks" |
26.04.2023 | Toygar Kerman (Corvinus University of Budapest) | “Persuading Communicating Voters” |
03.05.2023 | Murat Demirci (Koç University) | "Major Outcomes: Do Foreign Undergraduate Students Impact Major Choices at U.S. Colleges and Universities?" |
10.05.2023 | Paula Onuchic (Oxford University) | "Disclosure and Incentives in Teams" |
17.05.2023 | Aleksandr Sasha Levkun (Bilkent University) | "Dynamics of Risky Agreements'' |
24.05.2023 | Selcen Çakır (Boğaziçi University) | "Delegation and Recruitment in Organizations: The Slippery Slope to "Bad" Leadership" |
29.11.2023 | Chiara Aina (Harvard University) | "Tailored Stories" |
07.12.2023 | Isaac Sorkin (Stanford University) | "Quantifying Racial Disparities Using Consecutive Employment Spells." |
13.03.2023 | Amanda Friedenberg (University of Michigan) | “Epistemic Foundations for Level-k Behavior” (with Adam Brandenburger and Terri Kneeland) |
21.03.2024 | Michele Lombardi (University of Liverpool) | ''Implementation in vNM Stable Set'' |
27.03.2024 | Arseniy Samsonov (Özyeğin University) | "Should Politicians be Informed? Targeted Benefits and Heterogeneous Voters" |
04.04.2024 | Mohamed Saleh (LSE) | ''The Power of Connections: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Corporate Performance in Egypt, 1890–1950 (with Cihan Artunç)'' |
18.04.2024 | Mustafa Doğan (İstanbul Technical University) | ''Designing Information to Screen'' |
24.04.2024 | Inga Deimen (University of Arizona) | ''Strategic Information Transmission in the Employment Relationship'' |
17.05.2024 | Emre Ekinci (Koç University) | ''The Effect of International Graduate Students on University Innovation: Evidence from Patent Data'' |
02.10.2024 | Rossella Argenziano (Essex University) | ''Data Governance with Vulnerable Individuals (joint with Francesco Squintani)'' |
04.10.2024 | Umut Dur (North Carolina State University) | ’Who gets the bonus? Affirmative Action Reforms in High School Admissions in China’’ |
16.10.2024 | Anqi Li (University of Waterloo) | ''Learning Source Biases: Multisource Misspecifications and Their Impact on Predictions'' |
13.11.2024 | Giacomo Rubbini (Department of Economics, Brown University) | ''The Revelation Principle without Rational Expectations'' |
04.12.2024 | Sonal Yadav (University of Liverpool) | Teacher redistribution in public schools |
24.12.2024 | Selçuk Özyurt (York University) | Designing Information for Peaceful Dispute Resolution |
08.01.2025 | Doruk Cetemen (Royal Holloway, University of London) | Mediation in Dynamic Contracting |
26.02.2025 | Christopher Turansick (Bocconi University) | "Identifying Restrictions on the Random Utility" |
Date | Presenter | Title |
13.10.2021 | Luciano Pomatto (Caltech) | "Monotone Additive Statistics" |
03.11.2021 | Özgür Kıbrıs (Sabancı University) | “A Random Reference Model” |
10.11.2021 | Selim Güleşçi (Trinity College Dublin) | ''Childcare for family welfare: Experimental evidence from Uganda'' |
17.11.2021 | Simone Cerreia Vioglio (University of Bocconi) | ''Making Decisions under Model Misspecification'' |
24.11.2021 | Luis Candelaria (Warwick) | ''Identification and Inference of Network Formation Games with Misclassified Links'' |
01.12.2021 | Ali Yürükoğlu (Stanford University) | "Concentration in Product Markets'' |
08.12.2021 | Naci Mocan (LSU) | Deterrence and Compellence in the Parliament |
15.12.2021 | Matthew Backus (Columbia University) | "Common Ownership and Competition in the Ready-To-Eat Cereal Industry’’ By |
22.12.2021 | Florian Brandl (University of Bonn) | ''A Natural Adaptive Process for Collective Decision-Making'' |
11.05.2022 | Özgür Kıbrıs (Sabancı Üniversitesi) | "A Random Reference Model" |
15.06.2022 | Yunus Can Aybaş (Stanford University) | "Efficient Cheap Talk in Complex Environments" |
11.08.2022 | PhD Ahmet Gülek (MIT) | "Formal Effects of Informal Labor Supply: Evidence from the Syrian refugees in Turkey" |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
05.09.2020 | Alexander Woliztky (MIT) | "Do a Few Bad Apples Spoil the Barrel? Cooperation in Large Populations with Incomplete Information" |
19.09.2020 | Camille Terrier (HEC Lausanne) | "The Design of Teacher Assignment: Theory and Evidence" |
26.09.2020 | Wioletta Dziuda (University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy) | "Voters and the Policy Stability versus Responsiveness Tradeoff" |
09.11.2020 | Sydnee Caldwell ( UC Berkeley) | “OutsIde OptIons In the Labor Market ‘’ |
18.11.2020 | Román Andrés Zárate (University of Toronto) | "An Experimental Approach to Peer Effects: Evidence on Social and Academic Skills" |
25.11.2020 | Benjamin Marx (Sciences Po) | “Islam and the State: Religious Education in the Age of Mass Schooling ‘’ |
02.12.2020 | Ina Taneva (University of Edinburgh) | "Organized Information Disclosure" |
09.12.2020 | Gabriele Gratton (UNSW) | "Liberty, Security, and Accountability: The Rise and Fall of Illiberal Democracies’’ |
14.12.2020 | Chiara Margaria (Boston University) | "Signaling What You Don't Want" |
03.03.2021 | Ingela Alger (Toulouse School of Economics) | "Homo Moralis Goes to the Voting Booth" |
10.03.2021 | Arjada Bardhi (Duke University) | “Local Evidence and Diversity in Minipublics” |
24.03.2021 | Charles Sprenger (CALTECH) | "Intertemporal Salience: Theoretical Foundations and Experimental Evidence’’ |
31.03.2021 | Dana Foarta (Stanford GSB) | "Market Competition and Political Influence: An Integrated Approach" |
14.04.2021 | Laura Doval (Columbia) | "Purchase history and product personalization" |
28.04.2021 | Parag Pathak (MIT) | "The Long-Term Effects of Universal Preschool in Boston" |
05.05.2021 | Harry Pei (Northwestern University) | ''Reputation Building under Observational Learning'' |
12.05.2021 | Faruk Gul Princeton University | ''Lindahl Equilibrium as a Collective Choice Rule'' |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
02.10.2019 | Nuh Aygün Dalkıran (Bilkent University) | "Behavioral Implementation under Incomplete Information" |
16.10.2019 | Eric Verhoogen (Columbia University) | "Estimating Production Functions Using Quantity Information and External Instruments " |
23.10.2019 | Peter Neary (University of Oxford ) | "Sales and Markup Dispersion: Quantifying Misallocation" |
30.10.2019 | Andreas Dzemski (University of Gothenburg) | "Confidence Set for Group Membership" |
27.11.2019 | Mikhail Panov (NYU (HSE St. Petersburg starting September 2019) | "Cooperation in Bargaining and the Nash Program" |
11.12.2019 | Duk Gyoo Kim (University of Mannheim) | "Multilateral Bargaining over the Division of Losses" |
18.12.2019 | Yunus Can Aybaş (Stanford University) | "The Value of Precision in Persuasion" |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
19.09.2018 | Ben Greiner (University of Vienna) | Strategic Uncertainty Aversion in Bargaining - Experimental Evidence |
26.09.2018 | Sarah Auster (University of Bocconi) | Robust Bidding and Revenue in Descending Price Auctions |
10.10.2018 | Fabio Galeorri ( CNRS-Gate Lab Lyon | The negative spillover effects of monitoring on intrinsic honesty |
17.10.2018 | Selçuk Özyurt (Sabancı University) | Efficient and Incentive Compatible Mediation: An Ordinal Mechanism Design Approach |
31.10.2018 | Doruk Cetemen (Collegio Carlo Alberto) | Moral Hazard and Time Inconsistency: Dynamic Contracting with Non-exponential Discounting |
14.11.2018 | Martin Weidner (UCL) | "Nuclear Norm Regularized Estimation of Panel Regression Models" |
21.11.2018 | Özgür Evren (NES) | "Extension of Monotonic Functions and Representation of Preferences" |
05.12.2018 | Remzi Sanver (LAMSADE, Paris Dauphine University) | Positively Responsive Collective Choice Rules and Majority Rule: a Generalization of May’s Theorem to Many Alternatives" |
26.12.2018 | Pelin akyol (Bilkent University) | "Taking PISA Seriously: How Accurate are Low-Stakes Exams?" |
08.03.2019 | Emre Özdenören (LBS) | "Dynamic Asset-Backed Security Design" |
27.03.2019 | Hamid Sobourian (Unv. of Cambridge) | "Evolution of rules, Selection and Mutation: Efficiency and Egalitarianis" |
03.04.2019 | Miguel Ballester (Oxford Unv) | "Multı-Parametrıc Random Utılıty Models For The Joınt Treatment Of Rısk And Tıme Preferences " |
17.04.2019 | Paola Manzini (Unv. of Sussex) | "Inferring Cognitive Heterogeneity from Aggregate Choices" |
18.04.2019 | Marco Mariotti (Queen Mary Unv) | “Sequential Approval: A Model of “Likes”, Paper Downloads and Other Forms of Click Behaviour” |
24.04.2019 | Wolfgan Leininger ((TU Dortmund) | "Optimal Favoritism in Contests with Complete Information: the (almost) complete Theory" |
08.05.2019 | Shiran Rachmilevitch (unv. of Haifa) | "Symmetric equilibria in a class of symmetric 2-player repeated games." |
15.05.2019 | Beata Javorcik (Oxford Unv) | ''Good for the Environment, Good for Business Foreign Acquisitions and Energy Intensity'' |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
06.09.2017 | Battal Doğan (HEC Lausanne) | Unified Enrollment in School Choice: How to Improve Student Assignment in Chicago |
04.10.2017 | Kemal Yıldız (Bilkent University) | Prudential Choice |
25.10.2017 | Nejat Anbarcı (Deakin University) | Strategic Investments in Bargaining Positions with a Fixed Surplus |
08.10.2017 | Christoph Kuzmics (University of Graz) | Cognitive Empathy in Conflict Situations |
15.11.2017 | Nuh Aygün Dalkıran (Bilkent University) | Intransitive Indifference under Uncertainty - Scott-Suppes Utility Representation |
29.11.2017 | Jordi Brandts (Barcelona GSE) | Deliberative Structures and Their Impact on Voting Behavior under Social Conflict |
06.12.2017 | Christoph Vanberg (Universty of Heilderberg) | Legislative Bargaining with Subjective Claims |
20.12.2017 | Murat G. Kırdar (Boğaziçi University) | "The Labor Market Effects of Syrian Immigrants in Turkey" |
05.01.2018 | Alessandro Bonatti (MIT) | "Ratings-Based Price Discrimination" |
14.03.2018 | Aysit Tansel (METU) | ''Analyzing Wage Differentials by Fields of Study: Evidence from Turkey'' |
28.03.2018 | Alp Atakan (Koç University) | ''Price Discovery with Costly Competitive Bidding'' |
04.04.2018 | Arno Riedl (Maastricht University) | ''Revealed Incomplete Preferences under Uncertainty: Convexity and Bewley Preferences'' |
11.04.2018 | Mehmet Ali Soytaş (Özyeğin University) | " What is the Source of the Intergenerational Correlation in Earnings?" |
25.04.2018 | Donato Gerardi (Collegio Carlo Alberto) | "Dynamic Contracting with Limited Commitment and the Ratchet Effect" |
02.05.2018 | Anna Sanktjohanser (Toulouse School of Economics) | Optimally Stubborn |
09.05.2018 | Geert Dhaene (KU Leuven) | Profile-Score Adjustments For Incidental-Parameter Problems |
16.05.2018 | Giorgia Romagnoli (University of Amsterdam) | Testing the Separation of Tastes and Beliefs |
23.05.2018 | Brit Grosskopf (University of Exeter) | ‘’More Meat for Boys: Evidence of Gender Based Statistical Discrimination in British Carvery Restaurants’’ |
30.05.2018 | Elias L. Khalil (Monash Business School) | "Naturalizing the Sacred." |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
19.10.2016 | Begüm Güney | Choice and Games with Switching Costs |
30.10.2016 | Tuğçe Çuhadaroğlu | Interdependent Choice and Influence |
14.12.2016 | Erol Doğan | Common learning on a continuum state space |
16.12.2016 | Mehmet Barlo | Spillovers between Skilled and Low Skilled Labor Migration in a Multi-Regional Setting |
28.12.2016 | Muharrem Yeşilırmak | Bonus Pay for AchievementTeachers, Spatial Sorting, and Student |
29.03.2017 | Yusuf Ertaş | "Two Essays on Bargaining Games" |
12.04.2017 | Mert Kimya | Choice, Consideration Sets and Attribute Filters |
19.04.2017 | Michael Richter | Breadth vs Depth (joint with S. Geng and L. Pejsachowicz) |
24.05.2017 | Jeremy Fox | Geographic Expansion Mergers and FCC Spectrum Policy: Estimating a Matching Game with Externalities |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
30/09/2015 | Swati Dhingra,LSE | Input-Output Linkages and Product Adoption. |
14/10/2015 | Özgür Yılmaz, Koç Üniversitesi | How (not) to integrate blood subtyping technology to kidney exchange |
21/10/2015 | Daniel Wilhelm, University of College London | ’Nonparametric instrumental variable estimation under monotonicity’ |
11/11/2015 | Levent Kutlu, Antalya International University | Estimation of Cost Efficiency Without Cost Data |
02/12/2015 | Mustafa Yıldırım, İzmir Katip Çelebi University | Pre-Contest Communication Incentives |
09/12/2015 | Elif Kubilay, Koç University | Altruism through Empathy: Evidence from the Field |
16/12/2015 | Kerim Keskin, Bilkent Üniversity | Organizational Refinements of Nash Equilibrium |
23/12/2015 | Takuro Yamashita, Toulouse School of Economics | Asymmetric information allocation to avoid |
9/03/2016 | Ipek Tapki Gursel, Kadir Has University | TBA |
18/03/2016 | Ariel Rubinstein Tel Aviv University and NYU | TBA |
23/03/2016 | Ayca Ebru Giritligil Bilgi University | TBA |
30/03/2016 | Begum Guney Ozyegin University | TBA |
06/04/2016 | Georg Weizsaecker Humbolt University of Berlin | TBA |
13/04/2016 | Keith Head Univesity of British Columbia | TBA |
20/04/2016 | Basak Altan Ozyegin University | TBA |
22/04/2016 | David Levine WUSTL and EUI | TBA |
27/4/2016 | Kfir Eliaz Tel Aviv University | TBA |
04/05/2016 | Bard Harstad University of Oslo | TBA |
11/05/2016 | Seda Ertac Koc University | TBA |
18/05/2016 | Wojciech Olswezski Northwestern University | TBA |
Date | Presenter | Subject |
16 September,2014 | Nick Feltovich, Monash University | " How fully do people exploit their bargaining position? The effects of bargaining institution and the 50-50 norm" |
24 September, 2014 | Eyal Winter, Hebrew University of Jerusalem | “Strategic Emotions” |
1 October, 2014 | Levent Kockesen, Koc University | ''Communication and Allocation of Decisions over Time'' |
31 October, 2014 | Faruk Gul, Princeton University | ''Calibrated Uncertainty'' |
5 November,2014 | Takashi Kunimoto, Hitotsubashi University | ‘’Implementation with Transfers’’ |
12 November, 2014 | Orhan Aygun, Bogazici University | ‘’College Admission with Multidimensional Privileges: Brazilian Affirmative Action Case” |
19 November, 2014 | Daniel Garrett, Toulouse School of Economics | " Residual Deterrence" |
24 December, 2014 | Shiran Rachmilevitch, University of Haifa | ''Egalitarian-utilitarian bounds in Nash's bargaining problem'' |
30 December, 2014 | Marc Muendler, UCSD | ''The Dynamics of Comparative Advantage'' |
10 February, 2015 | Eugene Jeong, Stanford University | ''Multidimensional Second-Price and English Auctions'' |
18 February, 2015 | Berk Yavuzoglu, University of Wisconsin-Madison | ''Labor Force Attachment Beyond Normal Retirement Age'' |
04 March, 2015 | Murat Yilmaz, Boğaziçi Üniversity | "Dynamic Voluntary Contribution to a Public Project under Time-Inconsistency" |
11 March, 2015 | Gary Bolton, University of Texas | "Inflated Reputations: Leniency and Moral Wiggle Room in Trader Feedback Systems" |
24 March, 2015 | Eren İnci, Boğaziçi University | ''Parking is the permanent loss leader in shopping malls'' |
1 April, 2015 | Mürüvvet Büyükboyacı, METU | "On The Investment Implications of Bankruptcy Laws: An Experimental Test" |
8 April, 2015 | Paul Frijters, The University of Queensland | "Give and you shall receive: the emergence of welfare-reducing reciprocity?" |
15 April, 2015 | Ethem Akyol, TOBB University | “Allocation without Transfers: A Welfare Maximizing Mechanism” |
22 April, 2015 | Sinan Ertemel, İTÜ | “Welfare Egalitarianism under Uncertainty” |
29 April, 2015 | Görkem Çelik, ESSEC | ‘’Recıprocal Relatıonshıps And Mechanısm Desıgn’’ |
6 May, 2015 | Eric Meyersson | “For the Love of the Republic - Education, Secularism and Empowerment'' |
20, May,2015 | Haluk Ergin | “Living Donor Lobar Liver/Lung Exchange” |
2013-2014 Spring
Date | Presenter | Subject |
28 January | Ezgi Kaya ( Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona ) / Job Market Seminar | Heterogeneous Couples, Household Interactions and Labor Supply Elasticities of Married Women |
12 February | Irem Guceri ( University of Oxford ) / Job Market Seminar | Tax incentives and R&D: an evaluation of the 2002 UK reform using micro data |
13 February | Cihan Artunc ( Yale University ) / Job Market Seminar | Legal Pluralism, Contracts, and Trade in the Ottoman Empire |
25 February | Huzeyfe Torun ( University of Virginia ) / Job Market Seminar | Ex-Ante Labor Market Efects of Compulsory Military Service |
26 February | Pelin Akyol ( The Pennsylvania State University ) / Job Market Seminar | Preferences, Selection, and Value Added: A Structural Approach |
05 March | Renato Gomes (Toulouse School of Economics) | Competitive Screening under Heterogeneous Information |
12 March | Emre Ozdenoren (London Business School) | Endogenous Contractual Externalities |
19 March | Nenad Kos (Bocconi University) | Information in Tender Offers With a Large Shareholder |
26 March | Neslihan Uler (University of Michigan) | Experimental Departures from Self-Interest when Competing Partnerships Share Output’ |
02 April | Yusufcan Masatlioglu (University of Michigan) | Limited Attention |
09 April | Ozgur Kibris (Sabanci University) | On Surplus-Sharing Rules in Partnerships |
16 April | Martin Kocher (University of Munich) | An Anatomy of Ambiguity Attitudes |
30 April | Mustafa Oguz Afacan (Sabanci University) | The Object Allocation Problem with Random Priorities |
07 May | Nizar Allouch (Queen Mary, University of London) | The cost of segregation in social networks |
14 May | Okan Yilankaya (Koc University) | Resale in Second Price Auctions with Costly Participation |
21 May | Flip Klijn (Barcelona Graduate School of Economics) | A Many-to-Many `Rural Hospital Theorem' |
28 May | Rakesh Vohra (UPenn) | On Fragmented Markets |
30 May | Johannes Horner (Yale University) | Optimal Design for Social Learning |
4 June | Kevin Bryan (University of Toronto) | The Direction of Innovation |
11 June | Kevin Hasker (Bilkent University) | The Emergent Seed: A Representation Theorem for Models of Stochastic Evolution and two formulas for Waiting Time |
2013-2014 Fall
Date | Presenter | Subject |
25 September | Eray Cumbul (TOBB ETU / IESE) | Stackelberg versus Cournot Oligopoly with Private Information |
2 October | Alp Atakan (Koc University) | Auctions, Actions, and The Failure of Information Aggregation |
9 October | Alan Miller (University of Haifa) | Scholarly Influence |
6 November | Shmuel Zamir (Center for Rationality, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) | Representations of Constitutions Under Incomplete Information |
20 November | Ahmet Alkan (Sabanci University) | Pairing Games and Markets |
27 November | Sergio Currarini (Università di Venezia) | Games on Networks: Direct Complements and Indirect Substitutes |
4 December | Martin Weidner (University College London) | Incidental Parameter Bias in Panel Quantile Regressions |
18 December | Senay Sokullu (University of Bristol) | Airport Prices in a Two-Sided Framework |
25 December | Selcuk Ozyurt (Sabanci University) | 'Take it or Leave it' Offers in Negotiations |
2012-2013 Spring
Date | Presenter | Subject |
March 20 | Mehmet Barlo, Sabanci University | "Entropic Selection of Nash Equilibrium" |
March 27 | Asher Wolinksy, Northwestern University | "A Common Value Auction with Bid Solicitation" |
April 17 | Serra Boranbay, University of Mannheim | ''Club Goods: Collective Choice or Competition'' |
May 08 | Alexander Cappelen, Norwegian School of Economics and Business | "Over-attribution of individual responsibility" |
May 15 | Jerome Pouyet, Paris School of Economics | ''Anticompetitive Vertical Merger Waves'' |
May 23 | Şule Alan, Koç University | ''Subprime Consumer Credit Demand: Evidence from a Lender’s Pricing Experiment'' |
May 29 | Sinan Sarpça, Koç University | "Public Funding and the Competition Between State and Private Colleges" |
2012-2013 Fall
Date | Presenter | Subject |
3 October | Cahit Güven (Deakin University) | Age at Migration; English Language Proficiency and Adult Outcomes Among Australian Immigrants: Evidence From Hilda Survey |
10 October | Roberto Weber (University of Zürich) | Managing Social Credibility: An Experiment on Coordination and Leadership |
19 October | Unal Zenginobuz (Bogazici University) | Oates' Decentralization Theorem with Household Mobility |
31 October | Mehmet Ekmekçi (Northwestern Kellogg Business School) | Informatıon ın Tender Offers Wıth a Large Shareholder |
2 November | Jean Laine ( Bilgi University) | Consistent Collective Rankings |
21 November | Kerem Cosar ( Chicago Booth School of Business) | Market Access and Regional Specialization in a Ricardian World |
28 November | Abdurrahman Aydemir (Sabanci University) | Turkish Immigrant Outcomes across European Destinations: Adult Labor Market Outcomes and School Success of Children |
12 December | Jerome Pouyet (Paris School of Economics) | Anticompetitive Vertical Merger Waves |
19 December | Peter Neary (Oxford University) | Not so Demanding: Preference Structure, Firm Behaviour, and Welfare |
21 December | Ariel Rubinstein (Tel Aviv University and New York University) | A Model of Persuasion with Boundedly Rational Agents |
26 December | Ivan Pastine (UCD School of Economics) | All-Pay Contests with Constraints |
2 January | Murat Kirdar (Middle East Technical University) | Does Longer Compulsory Education Equalize Educational Attainment for Disadvantaged Groups?" |
2011-2012 Spring
Date | Presenter | Subject |
May 23 | Esra Eren Bayındır (TOBB-ETU) | TBA |
May 16 | TBA | |
May 9 | Levent Ülkü (ITAM) | TBA |
May 2 | Hadi Yektaş (Zirve University) | TBA |
April 25 | Nejat Anbarcı (Deakin University) | TBA |
April 18 | Arno Riedl (Maastricht University) | TBA |
April 11 | Wiji Arulampalam (University of Warwick) | TBA |
March 28 | Biung-Ghi Ju (Seoul National University) | Fair Adjudication of Claims on Multiple Goods |
2011-2012 Fall
Date | Presenter | Subject |
January 04 | Kerim Peren Arin | Negotiating with terrorists: The costs of compliance |
December 28 | Mehmet Yiğit Gürdal (TOBB ETU) | Truth-Telling and Trust in Sender-Receiver Games with Intervention |
December 21 | Rasim Özcan (Türk Telekom and Koç University) | Public Procurement Auctions and Competition in Turkey |
December 14 | Uğur Özdemir (Bilgi University) | Pass the Bucks: Investment Incentives as Political Credit-Claiming Devices:Evidence from a Survey Experiment |
December 7 | Sencer Ecer (Istanbul Technical University) | Optimal Merger Policy-Variant Non-Price Strategies and Deterred Mergers |
November 30 | Alp Atakan (Koç University) | Reputation in the Long-Run with Imperfect Monitoring |
November 23 | Ayça Özdoğan (TOBB ETU) | "Sequential Diappearance of Reputations in Two-Sided Incomplete-Information Games" |
October 19 | Fernando Vega-Redondo (European University Institute) | Social Networks, Institutions, and the Process of Globalization |
October 12 | Selçuk Özyurt (Sabanci University) | Conflict Resolution: Role of Strategic Communication, Reputation and Audience Costs |
October 5 | Anita Gantner (University of Innsbruck) | Division of a Dollar When Claims are Subjective |