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Prof. Semih Koray has been elected as a principal member of the Bilim Akademisi (Science Academy).

Renowned for his significant contributions in the field of economic design, Prof. Semih Koray has been elected as a principal member of the Science Academy.

After graduating from Istanbul Erkek Lisesi as the valedictorian, Prof. Koray pursued a bachelor’s degree in mathematics at Boğaziçi University. In 1980, he completed his PhD in mathematics, also at Boğaziçi University.

Prof. Koray concentrated his academic interests on economic and social design, game theory, and social choice theory, gaining international recognition for his work in the field of econ...Read More

Graduate School Open House on 30 March 2024!

Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences Open House will be held on Saturday, March 30, 2024. The online event registration page is currently active at The program of the event can be accessed at

New special issue on bargaining process co-edited by Emin Karagözoğlu!

Emin Karagözoğlu and Gary Bolton co-edited a special issue on “Strategic Behavior and Bargaining Process” for the Journal of Economic Psychology. The special issue hosts experimental, empirical, and theoretical articles written by prominent bargaining scholars and covers topics such as bargaining protocols, process variables, fairness, retaliation, insistence, impatience, communication, deadlines, delay, focal points, mediation, and negotiation tactics.

You can have a look at this new special issue Read More

Graduate School Open House on 8 April 2023!

Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences Open House will be held on Saturday, April 8, 2023. The online event registration page is currently active at

New book on bargaining co-edited by Emin Karagözoğlu!

Bargaining - Current Research and Future Directions", a book co-edited by Emin Karagözoğlu and Kyle Hyndman is published by Palgrave MacMillan. The book provides a rigorous and rich overview of current bargaining research in economics and related disciplines, as well as a discussion of future directions. The Editors create cross-disciplinary and cross-methodological synergies by bringing together bargaining researchers from various fields; as well as using various methods, including the strategic approach, axiomatic approach, empirical research, lab and field experiments, machine learning an...Read More

Araştırma Görevlisi Pozisyonu Sınav Sonuç İlanı

Bilkent Üniversitesi İİSBF İktisat Bölümünde “Araştırma Görevlisi” pozisyonunda istihdam edilmek üzere başvuran ve ön değerlendirmeyi geçen adaylar için 17.01.2022 tarihinde yapılan bilim sınavı sonucuna buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırma Görevlisi Pozisyonu Ön Değerlendirme Sonuç İlanı

Bilkent Üniversitesi İİSBF İktisat Bölümünde “Araştırma Görevlisi” pozisyonunda istihdam edilmek üzere başvuran adayların ön değerlendirmesi yapılmış ve ekteki adaylar sözlü ve yazılı sınava hak kazanmışlardır. Konuyla ilgili bilgilendirmeye buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Semih Koray honoured by the Turkish Economic Association!

Congratulations to Professor Semih Koray on being awarded the Academic Service Plaque by the Turkish Economic Association (Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu)! The award ceremony will be held online over Zoom, on 11 December 2021, at 16:00. More information on accessing the award ceremony can be found on the Turkish Economic Association webpage here.

Burçin Kısacıkoğlu receives prestigious research fellowship

Congratulations to Burçin Kısacıkoğlu on receiving the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Research Fellowship for his proposal titled “Heterogeneous Expectations and the Term Structure of Interest Rates at High Frequency”!

Th BIS Research Fellowship is awarded to scholars who have established a strong reputation in their field and whose proposal allows for fruitful collaboration with BIS economists. Candidates will conduct economic research on policy-related issues of relevance to the BIS. The program aims to promote policy-relevant research that meets the highest...Read More

Herkes İçin Türkiye Ekonomisi Seminerleri: Kripto Varlıklar

11 Mayıs Salı günü saat 16:00’da, “Kripto varlıklar: Alan da kaçan mı?” başlıklı seminerde, Şant Manukyan (İş Yatırım) ve Refet S. Gürkaynak (Bilkent), kripto varlıklar üzerine konuşacaklar. Herkes İçin Türkiye Ekonomisi Seminerleri serisi, iktisat bilgisi olsun ya da olmasın içinde yaşadığı ülke ile ilgili düşünmek isteyen herkese açık olup, konuyla ilgili uzmanların görüşlerini ortaya koydukları ve tartıştıkları bir platform sunmaktadır. Seminer dili Türkçe’dir.

YouTube canlı yayın linki: Read More

Congratulations to Şule Alan!

Congratulations to Şule Alan on receiving an ERC Advanced Grant for her project “Social Inclusion and the Political Economy of Education: Building Capital in Ethnic Diversity.” Her project will in particular focus on identifying educational strategies that establish and enhance children’s capacity for empathy and tolerance in ethnic diversity.

This year, the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant was awarded to only 8% of all applicants. The official announcement by the European Research Council and a full list of all supported research projects can be found at Read More

Congratulations to Emin Karagözoğlu!

Congratulations to Emin Karagözoğlu on joining the editorial board of Mathematical Social Sciences, a prominent inter-disciplinary journal that emphasizes the unity of mathematical modelling in economics, psychology, political sciences, sociology and other social sciences. Emin Karagözoğlu’s editor profile can be accessed here:
For the full editorial board, see

Congratulations to Banu Demir Pakel and Kemal Yıldız!

Congratulations to Banu Demir Pakel and Kemal Yıldız on receiving the Science Academy’s Young Scientist Award (BAGEP) for 2020! This award program was initiated by the Science Akademy (Bilim Akademisi) in 2013 in order to to reward and support promising academics who are younger than 40 years of age. Award-winning academics receive a grant of 40.000TL in recognition and support of their work. A full list of the awardees can be accessed

Congratulations to Şule Alan!

Congratulations to Şule Alan on joining the editorial board of the Journal of the European Economic Association, one of the leading general interest journals in economics! For a full list of newly appointed associate editors see

Call for Papers

Bilkent Economics, together with CEPR, is organizing a workshop on monetary economics, with emphasis on heterogeneity of policies and responses to these. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Business cycle asymmetries
2. Asymmetry of monetary policy responses to financial and real developments
3. Asymmetry of financial market and real economy responses to monetary policy
4. The presence and nature of perceived central bank private information effects
5. The effects of second moments of income/wealth/wage/price distributions on respon...Read More

Welcome or welcome back!

We wish a great Fall 2019 semester to all incoming and continuing students! For some important information on course registrations, please check the Information Note on Registrations. For important dates on registration, add-drop etc please have a look at the 2019-20 Academic Calendar.

İktisat Bölümü meslek seminerleri

Bölüm hocalarımızdan Pelin Akyol'un vereceği meslek tanıtım seminerlerimize bekliyoruz! Bu seneki seminlerlerin zamanları aşağıdaki gibidir:

20 Temmuz Cumartesi: 11:00,
22 Temmuz Pazartesi: 11:00,
22 Temmuz Pazartesi: 16:30,
24 Temmuz Çarşamba: 13:30,
26 Temmuz Cuma: 11:00,
27 Temmuz Cumartesi: 13:30.

Seminerler Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Binası (EE Binası) EE-04 dersliğinde verilecektir.

British Academy Singles Out Banu Demir Pakel's Project for Notice

From among numerous successful projects supported under its Newton Advanced Fellowship program, the British Academy has selected a project led by Asst. Prof. Banu Demir Pakel of the Department of Economics as a particularly good example of how the Newton Fund can strengthen the capacity for research and innovation in partner countries.

Dr. Demir Pakel’s project, titled “Using Processing Trade to Facilitate Innovation in Response to a Competitive Shock,” focuses on an important and policy-relevant topic in international trade and demonstrates a new margin of firm-level adju...Read More

Congratulations to Kemal Yıldız who has been awarded an MSCA global fellowship grant!

On the basis of 2018 call evaluations, Dr. Kemal Yıldız from Economics department has been awarded MSCA global fellowship grant for three years. This global fellowship project will be jointly carried out in Princeton University and Bilkent University.

Memory limitations lie at the core of how agents store past experiences and make decisions. For example, consider a buyer choosing between two alternative brands of a good. In thinking about a brand, she may recall her past experiences, product reviews, or expert’s ratings, which induce a belief about the brand’s quality. In...Read More

2018 Bilkent Summer Macro Workshop

The 2018 Bilkent Summer Macro Workshop will take place on 14 August 2018, with presentations by Daron Acemoğlu (MIT), Ufuk Akçiğit (University of Chicago), Selman Erol (Carnegie Mellon), Burçin Kısacıkoğlu (Bilkent) and Sang Seok Lee (Bilkent). The workshop program can be accessed here .

İktisat Bölümü meslek seminerleri

İktisat Bölümü'nün bu seneki meslek tanıtım seminerlerine bekleriz! Önümüzdeki seminerler 8 Ağustos Çarsamba saat 16:30'da ve 11 Ağustos Cumartesi saat 10:15'te gerçekleşecek. Bütün sunumlar EE-04 dersliğinde veriliyor. Sunum dosyasına ulaşmak için lütfen buraya tıklayınız.

Tanıtım videomuzu YouTube kanalımızda izleyebilirsiniz!

Bölümümüzü, iktisat alanını, mezunlarımızı ve öğretim üyelerimizi daha yakından tanımak isteyenleri YouTube kanalımızdaki tanıtım videolarımızı izlemeye davet ediyoruz! Öğretim üyelerimiz Erinç Yeldan, Refet Gürkaynak, Pelin Akyol, Kemal Yıldız, Banu Demir, Emin Karagözoğlu, Burçin Kısacıkoğlu, ve mezunlarımız Yunus Can Aybaş, Cem Tütüncü, İrem Bilir ve Doğa Demirhan Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisat Bölümü'nü ve iktisat eğitimini anlatıyorlar.

YouTube kanalımı...Read More

Welcome, or welcome back!

To incoming students: welcome! And to continuing students: welcome back! We wish you a great new semester, and a great time at Bilkent. For some important information on course registrations, please check the Information Note on Registrations. For important dates on registration, add-drop etc please have a look at the 2017-18 Academic Calendar.

Seminars as usual… in an unusual venue

This week we had Silvia Miranda-Agrippino (Bank of England) and Giovanni Ricco (University of Warwick) as our macro seminar guests. The title for Monday’s seminar was “Unsurprising Shocks: Information, Premia, and the Monetary Transmission” which was followed by a second talk on Tuesday titled “The Transmission of Monetary Policy Shocks.” Business as usual… except for the change in venue. Although we enjoy the comfort of our seminar room, this temporary one was undeniably more spacious, not to mention the unusual abundance of natural light!

Bilkent Annual Workshop in Economics 2016 - Bargaining: Theory and Experiments

Bilkent University, Department of Economics organizes an annual summer workshop since 2011. The workshop theme changes every year. It was "Allocation Problems" in 2011, "Networks and Institutions" in 2012, "Econometric Theory and Applications" in 2013, and "Empirical Applications in Labor and Public Economics" in 2014. This year's workshop is organized by Emin Karagözoğlu and the overarching theme is "Bargaining: Theory and Experiments". The workshop will take place in the beautiful campus of Bilkent University. We are very glad to have a select list of speakers from various countries. The w...Read More

Erinç Yeldan appointed a member of the International Resource Panel

Congratulations to Prof Erinç Yeldan for his appointment as a member of the International Resource Panel (IRP). The IRP was launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2007 to build and share the knowledge needed to improve our use of resources worldwide. The Panel consists of eminent scientists and experts in resource management issues.

Workshop on Applied International Trade and Trade Facilitation

Bilkent University would like to invite you to the Workshop on Applied International Trade and Trade Facilitation, jointly organized with the Ministry of Customs and Trade. The workshop will take place on 18-19 June 2014, at Bilkent University, FEASS Building. The complete program and practical information about registration can be found at: Applied International Trade and Trade Facilitation Workshop.

Economics PhD Student to be Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Cambridge University

Bilkent Economics PhD graduate Dr. Yıldız Akkaya, who defended her dissertation in May, is the first PhD degree holder from a Turkish university to go on the formal international job market in economics and be placed outside the country. Akkaya accepted the offer from the Economics Department of Cambridge University to be a post-doctoral research associate. Top-tier Turkish universities usually hire faculty members via the job market process but Bilkent now has the distinction to be the first to place a student internationally the same way as well.
Yıldız Akkaya’s dissertation is...Read More

Open Day for Econ Graduate Programs - May 12, 2014

Bilkent University, Department of Economics is organizing an open day on May 12, 2014 (Monday). If you are planning to apply to the MA/Ph.d. programs in Economics, this will be a great opportunity to obtain detailed information about
Bilkent Economics graduate programs, meet our faculty members and current grad students, and get a feel of faculty's research interests/activities (note that application deadline to our programs is May 16). We would like to invite all interested students to Bilkent campus. The practical details are given below.

Date: 12 May 2014 (Monday)
Read More

ECON Students Meet for IMF Simulation

On November 21 a group of third- and fourth-year students in the Department of Economics organized and hosted an event for first-year and prep students: an International Monetary Fund (IMF) Executive Board simulation. The simulation was part of the department’s mentoring program, in which all incoming ECON students are assigned mentors from among third- and fourth-year students.

Approximately 40 BUSEL and first-year economics students were paired with third- and fourth-year students to form teams representing different IMF board members. The simulation started with a country i...Read More

Trademaster Economics Platform opens

On November 4, the Trademaster Economics Platform opened at Bilkent University. This is a financial trading platform intended to advance the educational goals of Bilkent University through synergies between research, teaching by means of real-world applications and collaboration with the private and public sectors.

The platform, which is administered by the Department of Economics in collaboration with İş Yatırım, will be open to all Bilkent students and faculty members. Located on the ground floor of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Social Sciences (FEASS) buildi...Read More

Nobel Laureate Peter Diamond Speaks at Bilkent

Last week the Department of Economics hosted Prof. Peter Diamond, professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and recipient of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Economics. Prof. Diamond delivered a lecture at the Department of Economics Seminar Series, entitled “Interpreting the Beveridge Curve.” The lecture focused on the patterns of recovery in the US labor markets, with the aim of identifying the stylized facts regarding the effects of the most recent economic crisis.

Economics Workshop, Bilkent University, 23-24 July

The following two mini courses will be offered at Bilkent University, Department of Economics, on July 23-24:

July 23: Prof. Ufuk Akcigit (UPenn) on Innovation Led Growth: Lecture 1 - Lecture 2

July 24: Prof. Daron Acemoglu (MIT) on Human Capital: Lecture

Each mini course will be held over a morning (10:00-12:00) and...Read More

International Accomplishments of Economics Graduate Students

Three graduate students from the Department of Economics have won the top three awards given at the 16th International Economics Conference in Izmir.

Zeynep Kantur has won the Turkish Economics Association’s Grand Prize with her work on “Aging and Monetary Policy”, Yildiz Akkaya has won the Aegean Exporters Association’s first prize with her paper entitled “The Volatility of Interest Rate Shock as a Monetary Policy Tool” and Kerim Keskin has won the second prize with his work on “Correlated Equilibrium for Agents with Cumulative Prospect Theory Preferences”. Read More

2013 Bilkent Annual Summer Workshop in Economics: Econometric Theory and Applications

Bilkent University Department of Economics holds an annual summer workshop since 2011. The 2013 workshop theme is ''Econometric Theory and Applications'', taking place on July 1-2, 2013. Many high caliber researchers headed by W. Newey (MIT), E. Tamer (Northwestern), D. Acemoglu (MIT) will present their research during the workshop. The details of the program and the list of all distinguished guests can be found online.

Department of Economics Celebrates the Graduation of the Class of 2013!

The Department of Economics celebrated the graduation of 130 young Economists this week. The celebrations started on June 13, 2013, with a ceremony in the Department. Students and faculty members gathered in C-Block Amphitheater for the ceremony, followed by a picnic gathering in the lawn area. The students were then awarded their diplomas on June 15, 2013, during the university-wide graduation ceremony. The links to photographs from both ceremonies and the graduation speech of the Department Chair, Selin Sayek Böke can be found at the following
links: Read More

Information Session on the Graduate Programs offered by Tilburg University School of Economics and Management CentER

Our Alumni, Bilge Karataş, will be holding an information session on the Graduate Programs offered by Tilburg University on April 30, 2013 at 12:40 in A125.

Bilge writes: "CentER is an internationally acclaimed research institute at the Tilburg School of Economics and Management in the Netherlands. This information session is going to provide the possibilities of the Graduate Degrees offered to the students who are interested in further academic development in the fields of economics and business and who are willing to continue their studies in an international environment. Th...Read More

CV Writing and Interview Techniques Workshop

The Department of Economics is organizing a series of events to support the very exciting period of job search for its graduation candidates. Ms. Burcu Kılıçoğlu, Student's Dean Office Social Responsibility Center Manager, will be giving a seminar on ''CV preparation and Interview Techniques for Economists''. The seminar/training wıll take place Tuesday, April 16, 2013 between 12:30-13:30 in A 125. Ms. Kılıçoğlu graduated from Bilkent University, Political Science Department in 2005. She completed her master's degree in human resources, and has a rich experience in this field. We look...Read More

Bilkent Econ Forex Competition Award Ceremony: April 15, 2013

Bilkent Econ students participated in the "Bilkent Econ Forex Competition" during March 4-15, 2013. Prior to the competition which was organized by Integral Menkul Degerler AS students participated in two days of training sessions on the foreign exchange markets. The students who have completed the competition in the top three will receive their awards in the "Bilkent Econ Forex Competition Award Ceremony" on April 15, 2013, at 14:40 in C-block Amphi.

Bilkent ECON Forex

Summer Training


Dear Students,
from 2012-13 academic year onwards, all undergraduate students who have started their Department (not Prep School) in Fall 2011 or afterwards will have Summer Training as a must course introduced into their curriculum.

If you have started your Department in Fall 2011 or afterwards and are in your third departmental registration semester or beyond, it is recommended t...Read More

"Life After BilEcon" Seminar Series Started with the presentation by Cevdet Çağdaş Ünal (Econ '08)

The Department of Economics, with the initiative of its students, has started a new seminar series entitled “Life After BilEcon” under the “Bilkent Economics CEO” initiative. Bilkent Economics CEO, where CEO stands for both Chief as well as Community of Economic Officers, referring to the idea that the activities organized by the BilEcon CEO allows students to excel in their individual skills and become Chief Economic Officers (CEO) while creating a Community of Economic Officers (CEO) that organize around different platforms that allow a community of individuals interested in economic...Read More

Library Economics Room

Bilkent University Library, has recently launched a new online service, entitled
Subject Rooms. The purpose of these Rooms is to collect together in a
single webpage the key electronic and printed library resources for each
department and unit, as well as provide links to additional relevant
external resources. The Economics Subject Room can be visited online!


Bilkent University conferred an honorary doctoral degree in the field of social sciences on Pascal Lamy, the director-general of the World Trade Organization, at a ceremony held on Friday, March 15 at Mithat Çoruh Auditorium.

As a preface to his talk, entitled "The WTO in Global Governance -- Solid, Liquid\ Gaseous?," Mr. Lamy expressed his sentiments upon the occasion of receiving an honorary degree from Bilkent.

"Being with you in 'bilim kenti,' the city of learning and science, I am both honored and moved. ‘Honored’ because there is nothing more humbling t...Read More

ECON Students Prepare for and Participate in Forex Trading Competition

Over the past weekend Department of Economics students attended a training session on the foreign exchange market provided by Integral Menkul Değerler A.Ş. This was the second in a two-session sequence leading up to a competition to be held among the department\'s students in a virtual foreign exchange market, to be organized by Integral Menkul Değerler. The first training session included a presentation by Department Chair Selin Sayek Böke on the importance of understanding the foreign exchange market, followed by a series of presentations by the heads of several departments at Integral M...Read More

Bilkent ECON Graduate Receives "Young Executive" Award

Department of Economics graduate Pınar Abay, general manager of ING Bank Turkey, has been recognized as one of the "Most Successful Young Executives of Turkey" (Başarıya Yürüyenler: Türkiye'nin En Başarılı Genç Genel Müdürleri), receiving the second place award. The awards are given annually by Capital, a local business and economy magazine, and the Johnnie Walker Brand.

Ms. Abay graduated from Bilkent University in 1998 and went on to obtain an MBA degree from Harvard Business School. She became the general manager of ING Bank Turkey at the age of only 34 in 2011.<...Read More

Bilkent Economics Former Students’ Work Cited by Nobel Committee

The prize committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences extensively cited work by three former students of the Department of Economics, Atila Abdülkadiroğlu, Utku Ünver and Tayfun Sönmez, when awarding this year’s Nobel Prize in economic science to Lloyd Shapley and Alvin Roth. All three were students at Bilkent Economics before receivin...Read More

Bilkent Economics Annual Summer Workshop: Networks and Institutions

Bilkent University, Department of Economics is organizing an Annual Summer workshop every year. The theme of the second of these workshops is "Networks and Institutions", set to take place at the Department of Economics, on the dates of July 19-20. The program of the workshop is available on the Seminar webpage of the department. The very rich academic program includes three very valuable plenary speeches, respectively by Fernando Vega-Redondo titled "Risk-sharing and Contagion in Networks", by Jean-François Laslier titled "Experiments on Voting Rules" and by Daron Acemoglu titled "Systemic R...Read More

IISBF Lise Yaz Okulu, 13-15 Haziran 2012

Lise öğrencilerine, Ekonomi, Psikoloji, Siyaset Bilimi, Uluslararası İlişkiler alanlarında ücretsiz yaz okulu . 13-15 Haziran 2012
Bilkent IISBF Lise Yaz Okulu

Distinguished Teaching Award to Fatma Taşkın

Associate Professor Fatma Taşkın received one of the 2012 Distinguished Teaching Award, an award she very much deserved with her outstanding teaching and for tremendous contributions to her students' academic and intellectual development, as well to her colleagues in the department. Bilkent News asked Fatma Taşkın for her thoughts on receiving this award, which she shared as follows: ''I am delighted and greatly honored to receive this prestigious teaching award.
This award means a lot to me, especially since it is shared by many faculty members, both junior and senior, at the univ...Read More

Çağla Ökten joins the IZA network as a Research Fellow

Assoc. Prof Dr. Cagla Okten has been invited o join the IZA network as a Research Fellow. The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), established in 1998, is a non-profit research center in labor economics with the mission of promoting original and internationally competitive research in all fields of labor economics, and sharing the findings with the public.

Prof Erinç Yeldan receives ''Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals''

Prof Dr Erinç Yeldan has been awarded the ''Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals'' by The Global Programs and Strategy Alliance (GPS Alliance) of the University of Minnesota.
Following is an excerpt from the Award's description announced by the University of Minnesota: ''The Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals is a University-wide award for alumni, former students, and friends of the University who have distinguished themselves in their post-university work as leaders in their professional careers. This award may be conferred on alumni, former students, and f...Read More

Kıvılcım Metin-Özcan is appointed as lifetime Research Affiliate at ERF

The Board of Trustees of the Economic Research Forum (ERF) has recently renewed Kıvılcım Metin-Özcan's affiliation with ERF as a Research Fellow providing her with life membership. All Research Fellows are to be renewed once and on the second renewal they are either renewed for a life membership or discontinued. Given Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin-Özcan's solid academic record and her involvement with ERF over the past period, the Advisory Committee and the Board of Trustees chose to grant her a life membership. ERF is committed to capacity-building among young researchers in the region and to t...Read More

Poster Fair: Macroeconomics Seminar students present their projects

"Econ 402: Seminar in Macroeconomics" Spring 2012 students presented their project proposals in a Poster Fair attended by faculty members and graduate students. The poster session allowed senior students to present their work and get ample feedback from participants. The photos from this event are posted on the department's facebook page. The project topics are listed as follows:
1. Disentangling the Role of Deregulation in the U.S Financial Crisis of 2007-2009
2. Financial Development and Business Cycle Volatility
3: Exploring the Relationship between FDI and Education in...Read More